Marcus DeGrazia offers an innovative approach to healing by combining bodywork, acupuncture, craniosacral, visceral manipulation, and movement arts.
A stand-alone modality of body work that reintegrates muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones. In China, Tui Na is considered “medical massage.”
Thin, stainless steel, sterile needles are used to marshal the body’s resources to initiate and quicken healing.
These therapies employ slower, subtler techniques that can affect the structures and rhythms of the body at their deepest levels.
Cupping is a complimentary therapy used to separate the superficial musculature from the deeper structures to restore circulation and proper range of motion.
Gentle electric stimulation is added to acupuncture needles to “shake free” chronically impinged tissue common in old and stubborn injuries.
Gua Sha is a complimentary therapy similar to cupping but covers a much broader area. This technique releases stagnate fluids that are stuck in the tissue causing pain and lack of range of motion.
The process of burning herbs close to the body’s surface to provide a unique and deeply penetrating heat that unbinds chronic soft tissue injuries.
— K.G., Rhinebeck, NY
— T.E, Founder of FarmOn!Foundation, Copake, NY
— S.M., New York City
— K.M., Business consultant/publisher, Tivoli, NY